“B” -ing in the know about Vitamins…a little info to make you think-
There are eight B vitamins…they are all instrumental in body function. Adults need vitamins but seemingly stop at some point…Why? As we vintage, our bodies have “wear & tear” just like an automobile. The body is our human form for our spiritual journey here on earth. We need to care for it, fuel it with great food, wash it, exercise it, polish it, and make it shine (lashes, facials, yoga, etc) Yup, I slipped the lashes in there!
Vitamins are an important part of that. There is a huge difference in vitamin quality, let me be clear here…as with everything else, quality matters. The B vitamins have all been linked to healthy brain function. Thiamine (B1)…first identified by being absent. Lack of Thiamine causes nerve damage, first recognized in 1929 because it was the discovery in the case of the disorder, beriberi. It garnered a Nobel Prize & set the motion for how scientists research today.
Thaimin (B1)… is extremely important because it fuels the cells in the body for energy. It also converts carbs & fats into fuel and assists in regulating electrolytes in & out of the muscle cells.
Riboflavin (B2)…helps promote disease fighting antioxidants & promotes Iron metabolism.
Niacin (B3)…helps in the storage of food and it’s conversion to fuel
Pantothothenic Acid (B5)…fundamental for the body’s handling of fatty acids
Pyridoxine (B6)…important in food to fuel actions; i.e.: carb breakdown BUT did you know it helps with your mood?It’s needed for production of red blood cells AND neurotransmitters (the body chemicals that make our moods) There is evidence that lack of B6 is a risk for depression, ADD and inflammatory diseases.
Biotin (B7)…plays a notable role in HAIR, SKIN & Nails…also, fat & glucose metabolism. Also, necessary for making insulin, which regulates levels of glucose in the blood & makes available for cell energy.
Folic Acid (B9)…crucial for synthesis of DNA & RNA and the formation of new cells, rapid cell growth, gestation and infancy. Especially needed for development of the brain ad spinal cord. Folic deficiency is implicated in the early development of mental disorders like autism, schizophreheia and depression…
and last but certainly not least….
Cobalamin (B12)…the largest of the B’s. Not easily absorbed, primarily an energy metabolizer & also supports cardio health. It also protects the myelin sheath of nerves (this is a thin layer of tissue that bundles your nerves). Additionally, it supports hair, skin & nails. It is often received in injection form (B12 shots) for best absorption…
B12 supplements have long been touted as the go-to product for a surge of energy.
B12 is water-soluble, your body cannot store extra amounts. Any excess passes through your body and is eliminated when you urinate. On the other hand, if you’re significantly deficient in vitamin B12, taking a supplement or increasing your intake will likely improve your energy level. One of the most common early signs of vitamin B12 deficiency is fatigue or lack of energy.
Adequate levels of this vitamin are needed to promote healthy hair, skin and nails.
In fact, low vitamin B12 levels can cause various dermatologic symptoms, including hyper-pigmentation, nail discoloration, hair changes, vitiligo (the loss of skin color in patches) and angular stomatitis (inflamed and cracked mouth corners)
Supplementing with vitamin B12 has been shown to improve dermatologic symptoms in people with B12 deficiency…
Deficiency is common, especially in people who follow a vegetarian or vegan diet. It’s thought that up to 90% of people following these diets have a deficiency because B12 is only found naturally in animal foods. Vegans & vegetarians are not the only ones who are deficient. Even some meat eaters don’t absorb it very well. Unlike other vitamins, the absorption of vitamin B12 depends on a protein produced in your stomach, called intrinsic factor. Intrinsic factor binds to vitamin B12, so that you can absorb it into the blood. People who don’t produce enough intrinsic factor can become deficient. Deficiency is particularly common in people as we vintage, because the ability to absorb vitamin B12 can decrease as we mature…
Please note this is just a quick reference and there are many more important facts to be mentioned about the B vitamins. This blog post in no way is complete but is accurate for a light reference- always do your own research and “B” informed. It’s important for your health!!
Peace, Love, & Lashes
- Utilized Pub-Med Articles for facts