The Time is NOW…
It’s actually hard to even know where to begin… I knew the world was in for something drastic, at some point in the future. I just never thought I would see it in my lifetime. But here we are. My hope is that “we the people” truly see that the present crisis we are facing, globally, is not selective in who it chooses. We are up against a beast that does not distinguish between age, race, denomination, lifestyle, political party, country etc… We all have to look at this realistically. Sometimes, we lie to ourselves because we are afraid to know what might really be going on… Let me be very clear, it’s hitting the fan, like I have never ever seen. To me, this is reminiscent of the 1918 Flu Pandemic also known as H1N1 Virus, then in the 40’s-50’s we had Polio, 60’s-70’s AIDS, SARS, and the list I am sure (incomplete) will go on.
What I feel can NOT go on, is people thinking we are not all connected. I’ve got news for you… like it or not, we are. My blood can save your life and vice versa… There is no room for selfishness. We are stronger in truth and we grow through struggle. There is light and we must collectively choose to reach for it. We need to reach out and help one another.
Personally, I feel like the planet is giving us a wake up call. Unfortunately, thru these scenario’s we lose loved ones. We have the ability to change a broken world with our words AND our actions. We can be the change if we choose. We collectively know what is right and what is wrong.
Wrong: Hoarding… this is very very wrong. The amount of damage this does is and will be catastrophic. There is safety in everyone having some… there is pain, panic, riots and death, in many having none. I recently went to Target to get some toilet paper (I had 1 roll left)… it was a Saturday around 10:30am… I was shocked to see empty isles, completely empty… I was told the store was empty in 20minutes after opening. So, the next day, I got up at 7am, went to the store at 7:30am with my coffee in hand and saw at least 80 people there in line. I was shocked. Then when the doors opened, people were actually fighting over carts! WTFugicle!? Are we animals? I myself made the mad dash on foot! Thankfully, when I got to those isles, they were blocked off with employees handing out (1) per person/family. I was SO grateful Target did that. I was SO, SO sad that as adults all facing the SAME exact CRISIS, people were behaving without mindful compassion of others. We will only win this nightmare by being united, lending a hand, helping others in need. Toilet paper!!! ?? It wasn’t even around until the late 1800’s? Me thinkith… same goes for Alcohol, Hand Sanitizer, Vitamins, Eggs, Milk etc… if everyone takes only what they NEED for right now, the scales will balance… the more people that have to go without, the more disease is spread, the more anxious people get, more fear… STOP BUYING the HOSPITAL masks! The healthcare workers need them!! They are on the frontlines saving our lives! Stop hoarding sanitizer!! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE think of us collectively. We are all in this – no matter the size of your wallet… the only way to beat this is to take care of each other…
FEAR is the real pandemic… and it has to be controlled. FEAR is only going to cause grief, heartache, more trouble and more fear. It does not create solution based thinking… and we can all collectively come up with some solutions…
I would also like to mention how words are important and saying what you mean… the example I will go for here is presently we are being told to “Social Distance”… I will emphatically say this is wrong! We need to “physically distance” but stay connected socially! People in Italy are singing on their balconies, serenading each other! People are hosting virtual Happy Hours…. there are SO many wonderful solutions to staying connected… social distancing will cause isolation and that will kill all of us…. This is a time to think outside the box, and ask of ourselves how we can be of service to each other… we need to change our behavior, the planet is telling us we have to change…
It was reported yesterday that the waterways in Italy were already more clear, that the pics from space were brighter… a few weeks of “Shelter in Place” and the planet is already seeing results…
State of Emergency is a dire call to action for everyone to be mindful and helpful to others. It saddens me that this is what it takes to get us to acknowledge our fellow human beings…
Right Action: (1) of what you NEED, not 5 or 10, think of other people instead of only ourselves. Help those that need help, if you can. It doesn’t have to be monetarily. It can be w/solutions to their situation. If we all band together and lend a hand we will overcome this. Go online and share on FBook the way many have about organizations that are helping… jobs have been lost, many, many people live paycheck to paycheck and need assistance in finding new work… if we all just help (1) person… we will get thru this together with a better sense of well being and respect for not only each other but perhaps a new way to look at the world. I think it’s something we all need right now. I know I sure do. Just last night I had a total and complete melt-down… I was grateful that I could finally let it all out. I am so mentally & physically conditioned to just suck up whatever life throws at me, that I can’t even cry anymore.!? How unhealthy is that? So, I welcomed the pouring of tears and slept for 10hours…
Someone sent me this amazing poem today… and I want to share it’s profound beauty with all of you…
What if you thought of it as the Jews consider the Sabbath- the most sacred of times? Cease from travel. Cease from buying & selling. Give up, just for now, on trying to make the world different than it is. Sing. Pray, Touch only those to whom you commit your life. Center down. And when your body has become still, reach out with your heart. Know that we are connected in ways that are terrifying and beautiful. (You can hardly deny it now) Know that our lives are in one another’s hands. (surely that has become clear) Do not reach out your hands. Reach out your heart. Reach out your words. Reach out all the tendrils of compassion that move, invisably, where we cannot touch. Promise this world your love— for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, so long as we all shall live… by Lynn Ungar
I am here for anyone that needs someone to talk to… My email is listed below… If you need to share, just get something off your heart or need some help… I will do my very best to find an organization, or someone in your area to help you… I will also be doing some FBook LIVE videos just to share info and reach out … join me, share and lend a hand-
WE are ALL in this TOGETHER…
In Gratitude…Prayers, Peace & Blessings to all…
xo Madison
To Reach out: