Freedom isn’t free…
It’s been SO long since I have written my blog (or so it seems)…as you are well aware, life has been a bit crazy to say the least! I had every intention of getting July’s out by July 1st, as we can see that didn’t happen! C’est la vie as the French say… I felt strongly about the title of this blog, I knew it had to be what it is because like many have shared, the insanity of today’s climate in every way is beyond any of our wildest dreams… it’s like a bad sci-fi flick OR the movie with Jim Carrey: “The Truman Show”… and as I have said before this is NOT my new NORMAL. I will fight it every single step of the way. To me, it feels as if our beautiful country is breaking. Like all of you, I am mentally outraged at ALL the cruelty, brutal inhumanity and tragedies we have experienced over the past months. Everyone has been affected in some way, whether it’s economical, mental, physical etc…
What I have heard over & over again from people is this: “I’m so tired of all this but what can we do about it?”…umm, seriously? Let me be extremely clear, “WE ARE THE PEOPLE”… and to see people harmed by people that are sworn to protect, to see injustice, to abide by a government that is not cohesively working to take care of the people…it is breaking my heart. Literally, the pain had swallowed me up to a full blown panic attack. I know for certain I am not alone. Many have not spoken out, are afraid to do so, because our views are different, instead of listening, there is divisiveness. I feel I have watched too quietly, and simply refuse to be silenced by anyone, anywhere, anymore. Enough is enough. NOW is the time for all of us to raise our united voices together… Unity is what is needed. Not looting, not violence (which would hijack our goals) but with the values we all want to live by in this country. We need our liberties back, freedom, love, courage, joy, responsibility, our right to worship, to dine, to hug, to be with friends, breathe fresh oxygen, trust AND ACTION. These actions have never been more needed in the world than right now, and seemingly short on supply or hidden under the shadows. Evil can not live in the light of love, compassion and kindness. It simply can not exist in the same space when light is shined on it ever so brightly… We all need to stand up – NOW – to turn our collective anger, sadness and feelings of helplessness into words of action … WE are NOT HELPLESS! WE ARE the PEOPLE.
We all have become some level of complacent in our lives, expecting it to all continue without disruption. Well, how’s that working out for us? What has our military been fighting for all these years? What did our founding fathers write the constitution for? Do you even know that your constitutional rights are being violated? Are you aware that in section 98 of the constitution it is written that: “even during a state of emergency that our civil liberties will not be taken away by Governor or President? … and if they are or attempt to then it is “waging war” against we the people?… Yes, I paraphrased but very little…so, here’s the exact verbiage:
The world is changing and if we do not rise to the occasion and stand for what this country was built on, all our liberties will be taken away, slowly, day by day as they are now. Do you realize what are experiencing is a “soft Marshall Law?” If you don’t think they are, you are so, so sadly mistaken. Here’s a question for you: Did you know that last year, alone, there were 1.5million (yes, million) deaths from Tuberculosis in the USA? A HIGHLY contagious disease, but yet, there was no pandemic? No quarantine (which is for the sick, not the healthy) and businesses’ were not put out of business? Additionally, the government is supposed to work FOR THE PEOPLE , not people working via Marshall Law Order for the Government. How’s that face-muzzle feel? oops, I mean mask… you are now a set of eyes, no voice, no facial expression, just obediently wearing a face-mask instead of breathing fresh oxygen. We are being Beta Tested for Facial Recognition software! … and the 5G towers that have gone up all over during this distraction of a PLANDEMIC… You don’t even notice they look like lampposts all over and have camera’s?? Did you? THESE FACTS are ALL AVAILABLE online and you need to do your research!! Instead of building acquired immunity (healthy), we are allowing the government to control us… We are no longer living in a free country. THIS IS a soft version of Marshall Law! The governors are misusing platforms/power and backdoor handshaking to get us to comply!! DO YOU SEE THAT?? See the clip below…Assembly Bill 262, posted a few hours ago has been MADE LAW in CALIFORNIA…
Do you see that 6ft apart is military stance? That muzzling us with a mask is to silence our voices? To dominate and rule versus govern??That not holding your loved one’s hand in the hospital as they fight for their last breathe is not Marxist? Do you see that muzzle/mask wearing gets you accustom to NOT seeing each other? It physically keeps you apart from each other… these are subtle yet consistent messages of control. We are meant to share this life, to comfort one another, to take care of one another when sick, to share our lives with each other, to comfort our dying, holding hands…life was meant to be shared… and make no bones about it, they are trying to take it all away…slowly, steadily, all under the guise of caring…So, to that end, let’s take a peek at some raw scientific data that has not been scrubbed by politicians…(including doctors on the gov’t payroll)
The medical professionals that are courageously taking on the PLANDEMIC COVID LIE are being brutally attacked for not “towing the company line”… Scientific data, by the CDC, on it’s own website contradicting stats? I have included some DATA driven information… DATA driven by science. Not political, not left, not right… SCIENTIFIC DATA…what we are facing is by far the hardest pill to swallow…but we must face it, and take action in UNITY.
“WE the PEOPLE are TAKING BACK our civil liberties….
I can not begin to feel everyone’s different pain but I can acknowledge it. I have it too. I lost my business, I have been riddled with sadness, filled with tears, fear and pain. I am DONE! I will NOT sit by idle and watch this beautiful country be made into a sheep meadow. I can listen, I can help unite & connect. By working together in unity as one nation we can create the change that we need. If we do not take action now, as a “unified we the people” none of us will have anything to go back to… I have also heard, “Madison, I can’t take it, I just like to stay in my bubble…” As nice as that would be… that bubble is shrinking into the abyss unless we all do something… each of us, together moving forward together in unity, 1 action step a day multiplied by millions of people… WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! WE CAN UNITE, WE CAN OVERCOME… Freedom isn’t free, We have to work for it, and now we are being called to action to keep our lives, clean out the corrupt government, and take back the land we love. No one said or promises it will be easy. We must stand strong… and tackle the evil empire.
Did you know there is a political bill up for vote in Hawaii for mandated testing, vaccination and tracking? A $5000 fine if you refuse? OR you get removed to a “safe center”… aka Covid Concentration camp? I implore you to do your own research. I know it’s scary! I know it sounds crazy! I know I never expected any of this to happen in my lifetime, but neither did the Jews in Germany and yet there was Auschwitz. Did you know that JFK mentioned the OWG in a speech back in 1963 & then he was assassinated? Were you aware that in 1984 there was an ex-KGB agent interviewed and shares what was going on? See the 7min clip below…
It’s time to wake-up, David vs Goliath style. Yes, we need to pivot, we need to move forward, to create new lives (if our present has been destroyed) and we need to collectively hold true to the values this country was built upon. We need to become “we the people” instead of us vs them. We need to focus and stand united. If we do not, we will be a vaccinated zombie land, injected with poisons to keep the medical & pharmacological beasts rolling in money… and by the way, WTF is Bill Gates doing as head of WHO? Since when does he have a medical degree? Oh, that’s right, he owns the pattens to the vaccinations with Fauci and stands to make billions upon billions of dollars off all of it! … Remember this… If you do not resist, if you do not fight this, you are being complacent and complying… You need to change your mindset, from what can I do to “I am taking a stand for my civil rights!”… if you do not, if you choose to stay in your bubble, if you choose to let others take care of it… what is happening is clearly by design… the blister has come to a head, and it’s going to pop… are you going to be the one helping the poison to drain? or ignore it and let it continue to create pain, pus, and basically victimhood…. It’s all a choice. I choose to help others awaken, to be curious enough to search and I hope you do too… Our world is in psychological warfare…please make a mindful choice to choose unity versus division…
On a lighter side, please note, this blog will be moving over to https://www.MadisonAndCo.Live I would like to invite you to join by filling out the newsletter pop up …and you will still receive my blog… There’s a new life ahead & I would love to have you join me!!
My goal is to challenge your thoughts… and & my hopes are to open you up to new possibilities…
In Gratitude…
xo Madison