2019…New Year, New YOU??
So, here we are, just you & me, in a new year, with a clean slate! What are you going to do with this precious gift we’ve been given? Any goals? Any dreams you want to fulfill? Any trips you want to take? Did you create a vision board? OR perhaps your new year has a theme?
Whatever you do choose or don’t choose… I offer up the possibility of dreaming and dreaming BIG! Why the hell not? We never know if tomorrow is a gift we will receive, as much as we don’t like to think that, it’s true. Why not go BIG & BOLD this year! You have absolutely NOTHING to lose!!
As for me, I am going full speed ahead! So, many conversations have been had about being “busy” or “not enough time” (myself included here) but the reality is we are all given the same amount of time in a day…(Hmmm, didn’t think about that did we?) and yet, some of us seem to conquer the world, creating amazing years full of everything we could want. While some of us, fall short, & a smidgen disappointed. I can’t help but ask “why?”…I know for myself, I have had to really face the chic in the mirror, sometimes it’s the hardest conversation to have. A real authentic one. I have realized it truly comes down to priorities and what feeds my soul. What makes me happy, makes me smile and what brings me a feeling of complete fulfillment. If there is something that just keeps getting put off, I have to ask myself what is my issue? Sometimes, it is as easy as it’s just not as important as some of my other projects, and here’s a kicker, sometimes it’s a self-sabotage behavior (gulp)…I have found that things that make my heart sing always get done, and of course there’s the day to day stuff that has to get done- but those things that just seem to pile up…they usually are not just that important! So, I made a commitment to myself this year, and I invite you to do the same if you have not already…
Here it is; If it doesn’t feed my soul in some way- Adios! If it doesn’t make me step out of my comfort zone, asta mañana! If it does not nurture my spirit, make me smile and make me laugh then Ciao bella!…now, trust me, some of my projects aren’t always making me laugh…BUT in SOME way, they are bringing me some type of joy! I invite you to do the same! What single small change can you incorporate that will make you joyful AND bring you closer to whatever goal you have for yourself this year? Most of you know me, I have come up with a few suggestions if you will, a list (oh-no she didn’t!)…Yes, girlfriend, she did! Here’s some thoughts for 2019…. in no particular order-
- Acknowledge your uh-mazing self & your past successes! Toot your own horn this year!!
- Discover rituals that serve you & your soul
- Be Sherlock Holmes! Start keeping notes on what makes you happy! Write it down so you don’t forget!
- Practice Gratitude! Be thankful for what you have instead of wishing for what you want! Being thankful puts you in a positive vibration, a higher vibration where wishing focuses on lack which is a negative vibration…thoughts and words matter…
- Create a picture of what inspires you! Perhaps you are artistic and draw it out in fabulous color OR maybe you love vision boards? That’s my jam! I am a true vision board girl…I get all crazy & artsy and have an entire ritual I do every single new year’s eve…I have done this for over 30yrs +…I feel it keeps me on track and sets me up for success in the following 11months. I’m too much like a golden retriever going after tennis balls (squirrel, squirrel?) … I can be all over the place and it truly helps to keep me on track…segue
- Clarity! In order for us to truly manifest what we truly desire we are best served by clarity… This is probably, in my opinion, the most important. When we are clear, we are in our own authentic self – with a knowing in our heart- of what we desire and the more clear the vision, the easier it is to achieve. Now, I am not talking about every single aspect of how we are going to accomplish it, but a clarity of what is …the how is up to the universe. We just need to be clear and take baby steps every day toward our goal or dream…
I am SO grateful that this year I have some clarity! I am SO excited to see what the Universe & I whip up together (cue guardian angels)…
I sure hope you have an amazing 2019! I hold that wish for all of us collectively…may you be inspired to change what you can and be grateful for what you have-
Feel free to send a note or share your story! We are all best served by helping and holding space for others…we never know where an epiphany might erupt!
Always In Gratitude-
xo Madison